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Why is it hard to hire employees right now? You’re not alone

Sep 26, 2022

There’s an old saying, “Good help is hard to find.” We couldn’t agree more! Good help is hard to find. But finding the right workers to fill your shifts isn’t as impossible as it feels. The business landscape is more competitive than ever, which has made recruiting, screening, hiring, and retaining high-quality employees challenging to say the least. So have you considered working with a staffing agency?

At Employbridge, we simplify your staffing workflow by handling it for you. Because we know that maintaining the staffing levels you need has never been more difficult.


Why is hiring so difficult right now?

The American workforce is in a precarious position. The pandemic of 2020 ushered in an unusual pattern of employment worldwide, and now, two years later, little about recruiting, hiring, and maintaining a workforce is as it was in 2019.

Companies everywhere are struggling to find talent to interview, let alone hire, with the process taking months instead of weeks. According to a CNBC study, 52% of small businesses claim that finding qualified candidates is harder today than it was a year ago.

And finding employees isn’t the only problem. Maintaining fully-staffed shifts with workers that are engaged and committed is another hurdle. In fact, most HR and operations leaders agree that not only finding, but also keeping qualified employees is one of their biggest challenges.

So it should be no surprise that nearly one in four entrepreneurs say labor quality is their top business problem. Not access to capital. Not competition. Simply finding and retaining reliable workers.

Although labor quality has always been a concern, learning that it’s a significant barrier to effectively doing business can be surprising. But the reality is, every company needs good people working hard to succeed. If you don’t have that, you really don’t have much. So how do you find good workers today? Where are the high-quality employees? 


Employbridge solves staffing problems

Employbridge is a leader in providing committed, high-quality workers to a wide range of warehousing, logistics, supply chain, and manufacturing positions. Our proven recruitment technology, coupled with a comprehensive screening process, ensures a quality hire for every job, every time.

What’s more? Our talent are already W-2 employees of Employbridge. That means you’re not wasting time onboarding every new hire. We do it all for you!

Here’s how we find and retain outstanding talent.

1. Cutting-edge recruitment technology
The first step in hiring any position is finding qualified candidates. And where are most of your hot leads for new employees? Online.

Our online recruitment technology is faster and more cost-effective than traditional hiring strategies. It gets in front of as many potential employees as possible, increasing the chances of finding workers who are a perfect fit for your business.

Think of Employbridge as an old-school sales funnel. The more leads you put into the funnel, the more conversions fall out of the bottom. The same goes for hiring employees. With access to our huge pool of candidates, you’re more likely to connect with the high-quality workers you need to fill your shifts.

We also use targeting strategies to identify individuals with specific levels of experience, education, and training. This weeds out lower-quality candidates from the start and ensures we find precisely who you need for your team.

2. Comprehensive screening process
Many employers use printed and online ads, referrals, and employment websites to find their next hire. But is that really the best way to approach scaling your team?

You have a distinct business with unique needs, and using the same old processes to collect candidates just isn’t good enough. That’s why Bluecrew developed a comprehensive candidate screening process to identify the best, most qualified individuals for your job.

We start by targeting your key requirements for specific skills, locations, and availability. This also includes a background check. Once we’ve found a pool of workers who meet those requirements, we identify the best leads by assessing their experience, ratings and feedback, reliability, and performance. And those who are a near perfect match can accept your job instantly!

Despite the depth of our screening process, we make finding great employees easier than ever. And even though we don’t have to go into this level of detail to find your ideal team member, we believe in going the extra mile to find high-quality workers is well worth the effort. With our comprehensive screening process, you can rest assured you’re matching with quality, reliable workers.

3. Hire W-2 workers
Most employers are faced with a decision when hiring. Should they structure their positions as W-2 jobs or 1099 gigs? When the position is temporary, the 1099 contractor classification makes the most sense. But choosing W-2 employment status will actually help you attract better quality employees.

When you offer W-2 work, candidates feel secure knowing they’ll be guaranteed a minimum wage, protected by workers’ compensation and liability insurance, and have access to benefits like health insurance. 

In fact, a recent survey found that 72% of hourly workers prefer W-2 employment over 1099 contractor status. High-quality workers looking for new jobs pay attention to these details. When they see a company hiring on a W-2 basis, it signals that the business considers them worthy of investment and will value their work.


Employbridge can help

At Employbridge, all of our talent are our own W-2 workers because we know that not only are W-2 employees more engaged at work, but they also have better retention rates.

Whether you need to scale your workforce quickly or just fill a few personnel gaps, you want high-quality workers to fill your shifts. But do you really have the time or resources to do it yourself? Few businesses do, and that’s why they call Employbridge.


Want to learn more about how we can help?

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