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Understanding Worker Classification

We believe that workers deserve protection. We believe that they deserve flexibility. And we believe that they deserve benefits. That’s why 100% of Bluecrew workers are W-2 employees of our company.

Somehow (we’re not sure how!), some companies don’t agree with us. The world of temporary staffing - and on-demand staffing in particular - is split between companies like ours that offer the benefits and protections of W-2 work and others that prefer to classify workers as 1099 contractors.

To understand workers’ perspectives on these differences, our team recently surveyed a sample of more than 1,000 Americans. Check out our findings below.


What hourly workers really think about worker classification

What the hourly workforce said

  • 72% of the hourly worker would rather be a W-2 employee than a 1099 contractor.
  • The vast majority of hourly workers (72%) are unaware of upcoming regulations like California's AB5.
  • Nearly half believe there should be a law requiring gig workers recieve protections & benefits.
  • 84% think protections &benefits are as or more important than flexibility.

The gig workers' perspective

  • 60% believe they should recieve benefits & protections.
  • 1 in 4 state that they aren't getting access to the protections & benefits they need.
  • 2/3 know there is a difference between W-2 and 1099 worker classification.

A snapshot of the American public

  • 63% of Americans would rather be an employee with worker protections & benefits than a gig worker.
  • More than half either don't know or are unsure of what protections & benefits gig workers are eligible for.
  • 3 in 4 are unaware of upcoming state regulations like California's AB5.

infographic outlining the data listed previously in the page

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